Bucklebee Bags

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Welcome Friends!

I’m so glad you’re here! Browse around, take your time, and make sure you download the free patterns we have available!

I’m Joan, and I love to sew. I’m a quilter, a handbag maker, a garment constructor. I love, love, love fabric. I started making handbags a few years ago, and I had some ideas for patterns for basic handbags designed to show off the beautiful fabrics you’ve got stashed away, waiting for that perfect project. My patterns are written by a quilter for quilters—rotary cut, which techniques you’re probably familiar with.

When I took my bags and patterns to my very first quilt show as a vendor, I needed some smaller items to fill out my sales tables. Over the years, I had built a sewing tool kit filled with repurposed and handmade items that made my projects easier and my results better. I chose three of those items to sell: machine cleaning brushes, a razor seam ripper, and the Big Wood Stick. Although my patterns were well received, my tools sold out in a few hours. I realized there was a need for real tools for sewing. Bucklebee Toolbox was born.

Take some time to look around. If you have questions, use the contact form—those emails come straight to me and I will respond (almost) immediately.

If you’re a shop owner— Yes! Bucklebee offers tools and paper patterns for retail sales. Bucklebee has dozens of happy stockists and would love to add you to the Bucklebee family. If you’re a guild program coordinator or a retreat organizer—Yes! I have fun, fast-paced and interactive presentations and I love to teach workshops. I’m available in person or virtually via Zoom or GoToMeeting.

Sew Out Loud! —Joan