A Crazy Month Ahead, and a Gift for Subscribers!

We’re off in a few days to the Northern Shenandoah Valley Guild show in Berryville, Virginia, for three days of quilts, quilts, quilts! Please come by the Bucklebee shop in the vendor mall and say hello! We’ll have lots of tools, some gift items, handbags and handbag patterns that we know you’ll love.

After a short week off, we’re headed to Georgetown, Delaware to the Ocean Waves Guild show, and then it’s off to Danbury, Connecticut for the Northern Star Guild Show the very next weekend. My personal priority is staying organized, which isn’t always my strong suit. The Bucklebee pop up shop has been redesigned to really show our customers who we are, what we do, and why we love doing it so much.

Please take a minute to check our Events page for a full 2019 show schedule. We love meeting our online friends face-to-face. And because we’re sewing friends, please click on the “Exclusives” button and register! After you do, you’ll be able to download a free pattern for our Double Decker eyeglass case. It’s a fun and easy make, and with your fantastic fabrics you’ll want to make them for everybody!

Joan Radell